
Is There A Name For Someone Who Puts Animals Before Humans

Marty and Einstein Nemko

Source: Marty and Einstein Nemko

Some people take told me they prefer dogs to humans. A number of famous people have besides admitted that:

"Dogs honey their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and detest." Sigmund Freud

"The amend I go to know people, the more I notice myself loving dogs." Charles de Gaulle, sometime President of France.

"You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be in that location long earlier whatsoever of us." Robert Louis Stevenson, author, Treasure Isle.

"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person." Andy Rooney.

"If you want a friend in Washington, become a dog." Harry Truman

"Dogs never seize with teeth me. Just humans." Marilyn Monroe

Elton John's dog was the all-time man at his wedding.

Drew Barrymore has bequeathed her firm to her dog Flossie.

Oprah Winfrey, at jury duty was asked to say something about herself,. She said," "I have a talk show. I'm single. I have eight dogs."

"In that location are few (people) who accept even a small surplus of intellectual powers. . . .with the others, information technology is better not to enter into any relations . . . what they accept to say will not be worth listening to....To anyone who needs lively entertainment for the purpose of banishing the dreariness of solitude, I recommend a dog, in whose moral and intellectual qualities he will almost ever feel please and satisfaction." Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher.

Why a person might prefer a canis familiaris to humans

On the face up of it, preferring a dog over humans seems absurd. After all, dogs' thinking is limited, their speech non-existent. Yet, peculiarly if people oasis't been reliably kind to y'all, a dog offers certain advantages:

Reliability. A domestic dog volition ever be at that place for y'all. Compare that with the human divorce charge per unit.

Not-judgmentalness. A dog will never disparage y'all. As was made famous past psychotherapist Carl Rogers, not-judgmental listening tin can often be of great benefit.

No hidden motives. People are sometimes squeamish to your face up and stab you in the back. Or they're nice until it becomes expedient non to be, for case, if serious money is at stake. With doggies, what yous see is what y'all become--consistent, unconditional love.

Applied matters: A doggie forces you lot to get out and accept walks--healthy. If y'all're unmarried, a doggie is a appointment magnet. Information technology can provide security---virtually dogs bark when someone comes near your home. And on a personal note, my doggie Einstein is my receptionist, welcoming clients with a wag and a osculation---something no human receptionist would do. And he'southward my co-advisor: If a client likes, Einstein will sit adjacent to him on the sofa. The client often pets the dog during the session--a groovy stress buster. Years after a client has finished working with me, I've often received a note that includes a line such every bit, "How's Einstein? Give him a hug for me."

The Takeaway

Even if y'all generally prefer people over dogs, for most of us, the benefits of having a doggie in the family far outweigh the liabilities.

If you don't take a domestic dog, then many are just waiting for a abode. And today, it's easy to find one that's right for you:


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